Move-Sulfadimidine 100%

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Name : Move-Sulfadimidine 100%

Category : Veterinary drugs

Sub Category : Antibiotics

water soluble powder

Move-Sulfadimidine 100% water soluble powder


COMPOSITION: Sulphadimidine Sodium 100%


500 gm


Used for treatment and control of:

-  Septicemia, Pneumonia, various types of Enteritis ,Streptococcal mastitis.

-  Salmonellosis, Pasteurellosis and Coli infections of Calves and Foals.

-  Ceacal cocccidiosis and Coryza in Polultry.



Poultry Meat: 14 days             Cattle Meat; 21 days

Do not medicate chickens producing eggs for human consumption.

Do not medicate cattle producing milk for human consumption.


STORAGE:  Store in a dry place away from direct heat ,(below 30°).



Via oral route either in drinking water.

Calves : 100 mg/kg bodyweight.

Dosage interval : 12-24 hours for 3-5 days.

Poultry (non laying hens and broilers) :

100 mg/kg bodyweight (1 g powder/ 1-2 liters drinking water depending on actual water intake ).

Acute coccidosis : administration  during 3 consecutive days , after 2 days of no treatment , another 3 days treatment

Subclinical Coccidosis : administration for 3 consecutive days.



Add the required dose to that amount of water that will be consumed in 1 day. keep medicated water available only during treatment. Treatment should continue 24 to 48 hours beyond the remission of disease symptoms.

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