+962 79 5433036

182 PROGSTEEN – Megostrol acetate

Oral Hormone Tablets for Dogs and Cats


COMPOSITION :Each tablet contains:

Megestrol Acetate            5 mg

PACKAGING:  100 tablets



PROGSTREEN oral tablet used for the postponement or prevention of oestrus and the treatment of false pregnancy and oestrogen-dependent mammary tumours in bitches.

PROGSTREEN for oestrus control and for the treatment of miliary eczema and eosinophilic granuloma (rodent ulcer) in cats.

PROGSTREEN for the treatment of behavioural abnormalities, such as hypersexuality in male dogs and urine spraying in cats.




For female cats:

To prevent oestrus – 1 tablet for 10-14 days. After discontinuation of the drug estrus occurs within 14 days.

To stop the oestrus – 1 tablet daily for 3-5 days (from the date of display signs of sexual arousal).

As a contraceptive – 3 tablets within days after mating.

For female dogs:

To prevent oestrus – 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight once every 14 days. After discontinuation of the drug estrus occurs within 21 days.

To stop the oestrus – 1 tablet per 10 kg for 7 days (from the date of display signs of sexual arousal).

As a contraceptive – 2 tablets per 5 kg of body weight daily for 2 days after mating.

For cats:

For sedation during sexual arousal – 1 tablet daily for 3-5 days.


For dogs:

For sedation during sexual arousal – 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight daily for 5 days.



Do not use the drug for diseases of the genitourinary system tumors, immature, pregnant and lactate animals. Do not use the drug if after the onset of estrus has been more than 3 days, and young animals first estrus because of the difficulty determining the beginning of the cycle.

Not recommended in diabetic animals.



Prostagens may inhibit parturition. Therefore, if PROGSTREEN is given (to cats) during pregnancy, it should be withdrawn 2-3 weeks prior to parturition. (PROGSTREEN is not recommended for use in pregnant bitches.) Experience has shown that bitches conceive normally at the heat following the withdrawal of megestrol acetate. PROGSTREEN can be given to bitches to prevent the oestrus which occurs after cessation of dosing with a postponement course. In breeding queens, it is advisable that mating should be allowed at the second or subsequent call rather than the first call after cessation of mating.


STORAGE: Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below than 30°C).


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