+962 79 5433036

188 Moxiquantazole 7740 MD – Moxidectin , Praziquantel , Oxfendazole

Moxiquantazole 7740 is indicated for treatment and control of all sensitive strains of roundworms, tapeworms, bots and abamectin resistant Parascarisequorum in horses


COMPOSITION :Each syringe contains:

Moxidectin 240 mg

Praziquantel 1500 mg

Oxfendazole 6000 mg

Excipient up to 30 gm




Moxiquantazole 7740 is indicated for treatment and control of all sensitive strains of roundworms, tapeworms, bots and abamectin resistant Parascarisequorum in horses:


  • Roundworms (Ascarids) Parascarisequorum(mature and immature); 
  • Small StrongylesCyathostomumspp, Gyalocephalusspp,  Cylicostephanusspp, Cylicocyclus (mature and immature) including benzimidazole resistant strains, adult and developing stages (DL), late encysted stages (DL), late encysted stages (LL3/LL4) and inhibited stages of small strongyles.
  • Large StrongylesStrongylus vulgaris (mature and arterial larval stages), Strongylusedentatus(mature and tissue stages), Strongylusequinus(mature),Triodontophorus (mature);
  • Large Mouth Stomach WormsHabronema Also skin lesions caused by the cutaneous larvae of  Habronemaand Draschiaspp. (summer sores).
  • Hairworms Trichostrongylusaxei(mature).
  • Intestinal Threadworms Strongyloideswesteri(mature).
  • Pinworms Oxyurisequi(adult and immature).
  • Lungworms Dictyocaulusarnfieldi(mature and immature).
  • Tapeworms Anoplocephalaperfoliata(mature and immature) (scoleces and segments).
  • Bots Gasterophilus (oral and gastric stages).




For horses:

  • The recommended dose to be used is Moxidectin 0.4mg, praziquantel 2.5mg and oxfendazole 10mg per kg body weight (1g/20kg).
  • Do not underdose
  • For oral use only


HOW TO USE Moxiquantazole 7740 SYRINGE:

- While holding plunger, turn the knurled ring on the plunger and turn to prescribed quantity.

- Make sure that the horse's mouth is empty and contains no feed.

- Remove the cover from the tip of the syringe.

- Insert the syringe tip into the horse mouth in the space between the teeth.

- Depress the plunger as far as it will go, depositing paste on the back of the tongue.

- Immediately raise the horse head for a few seconds after dosing.



Do not use for young foals less than 6.5 months old.

Used during 6 months after first opening the packaging.



Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below 30° C).


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