Each 1 gm contains:
Diclazuril 5 mg
1000 gm / 25 Kg
+962 79 5433036
For treatment of coccidiosis in poultry. It is effective against all Eimeria species of poultry and mammals. it acts against all intracellular developmental stages of coccidia.
Each 1 gm contains:
Diclazuril 5 mg
1000 gm / 25 Kg
Move-Zuril 0.5% Is indicated for prevention of coccidiosis in broiler chickens , replacment pullets and turkeys.
Should not be mixed with any other anticoccidial.
Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below 30°).
200 gm per ton of feed (1ppm)
To obtain a homogeneous mixture of the feed product, it is recommended to mix the prescribed dose with 10 kg of center or feed and then with 100 kg of concentrate or feed and then add the mixture to the required quantity.
feed containing Move-Zuril 0.5% can be given in pellets and used from one day old.