+962 79 5433036

26 Moveprim 48% – Sulfadiazine Sodium 40% -Trimethoprim 8% solution


COMPOSITION :Each 1ml contains:

Trimethoprim 80 mg

Sulphadiazine Sodium 400 mg

PACKAGING: 1000  ml          ± 2%



- A broad-spectrum and antibacterial treatment of negative and gram-positive bacteria.

- For the treatment of Colibacillosis (Escherichia coli).

- for the treatment of bird typhoid, gastroenteritis and white diarrhea (Salmonella Galenerm, Salmonella in the tumor). Baratifoid infection (Salmonella Interter-bides, Salmonella Tefemurium).

- For the treatment of synovitis. Foot rest infections.

- For the treatment of navel infections (staphylococcus), bird cholera (Pasteurella maltosida) in poultry

 - To treat respiratory infections.

- characterized by the result of rapid treatment and the disappearance of symptoms of the disease and decline Death rates .

- Fast absorption and safe use.



Poultry: 1-2 ml per 5 liters of drinking water for 5 days.

Calves and Lambs: 1 ml per 15 kg of live b. wt. per day orally for 5 days.



Poultry: 3 days.

Calves and Lambs: 8 days

Eggs: Not to be used in laying birds.


Contra-Indications and Warnings:

Not to be used for animals with functional rumen.



Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below 30°).


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