+962 79 5433036

53 MOVE TripleSulfa K- Sulfadimidine Sodium , Sulfadiazine Sodium ,Sulfathiazole Sodium , Vitamin K

Move- TripleSulfa K is used for treatment of all types of coccidiosis in poultry and small animals .

Move- TripleSulfa K is used in treat enteritis ,fowl cholera, fowl typhoid ,and coryz.


Each 1gm contains: 

Sulfadimidine Sodium  125mg

Sulfadiazine Sodium     125mg 

Sulfathiazole Sodium    125mg 

 Vitamin K                       10mg

Packaging : 100gm / 1000 gm


Move- TripleSulfa K is used for treatment of all types of coccidiosis in poultry and small animals .

Move- TripleSulfa K is used in treat enteritis ,fowl cholera, fowl typhoid ,and coryza .   

Withdrawal Period :

Poultry: 5 days .

Meat: 21days.


Store in a dry place away from direct heat (below 30°).


  • Poultry : 250 gm per 500 L of drinking water for 3days. 

    Suspend treatment for 2 days then resume for another 2 days in acute  cases.

    Large animals : 8-10 gm per 50 kg of body weight for 3 days in drinking water .

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