+962 79 5433036

91 Move-Sulfaclozine – Sulfachloropyrazine sodium

Move-Sulfaclozine is indicated for treatment of coccidiosis in poultry due to infection with Eimeria species such as necatrix,maxima,acervulina, mitis, tenella, brunetti, praecox, adenoeides, meleagrimitis



Each 1 gm contains

Sulfachloropyrazine sodium     300 mg


PACKAGING:  500 gm


Move-Sulfaclozine is indicated for treatment of coccidiosis in poultry due to infection with Eimeria species such as necatrix,maxima,acervulina, mitis, tenella, brunetti, praecox, adenoeides, meleagrimitis

And Fowl Typhoid due to infection with Salmonella gallinarum and Fowl Cholera due to infection with Pasteurella mutocida


Poultry: 14 days

Turkeys: 21 days

Eggs: 11 days

STORAGE:Store in a dry place (below 30°)


Normal treatment of Coccidiosis: 1 g per 1 L of drinkiing water

)equivalent to 50 mg sulfacloropyrazinezine per kg body weight(

Periodic treatment of Coccidiosis:1 g per 1 L of drinking water

)shuttle programs in days 1,3,5,7,9 or 1,2,5,6,9 effective(

Salmonellosis and Pasteurellosis treatment: 1-2 g of  per L of drinking water, at least for 5 days

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