+962 79 5433036

139 Move-Fenbendazole 100 – Fenbendazole

For the treatment and control of Roundworms, Lungworms and Tapeworms in Cattle & Sheep. And Roundworms and Tapeworms in Horses.



Each 1 ml contains: 

Fenbendazole 100 mg

PACKAGING:   1000 ml  ±2%  / 500 ml


For the treatment and control of Roundworms, Lungworms and Tapeworms in Cattle & Sheep

and Roundworms and Tapeworms in Horses.



Meat : Cattle – 12 days                 Sheep – 15 days

Milk : Cattle - 5 days                     Sheep – 7 days 

STORAGE: Store in a dry place away from direct heat ,(below 30°).


  • Cattle- 1ml per 13 kg bw orally (7.5 mg per kg bw). If animal weighs over 400kg, an extra 3.75ml are required for each additional 50kg bw.
  • Sheep- 1ml per 20kgbw orally (5mg per kg bw). If animal weighs over 80kg, an extra 0.5 ml is required for each additional 10 kg bw.
  • Horses- Single dose treatment for horses-

Encysted small strongyles (mucosal stage)- 3ml per 10kg bw (30mg per kg bw).

Migrating and large strongyles- 6ml per 10 kg bw (60 mg per kg bw).

Diarrhea in 2-3 weeks old sucking foals (Strongyloides westeri)- 5ml per 10kgbw (50mg per kg bw). Repeat every 6-8 weeks.

In case it was used as preventative:

- Migrating Strongylus larvae and cysts 5 ml per 64 kg bw daily for 5 days (7.5 mg per kg bw).




Do not mix with other products.

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