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Move-Clethodim 24 EC – Clethodim ,Complementary materials

Move-Clethodim 24 EC – Herbicide in the form of emulsifiable concentrate



Clethodim: 24% (w/v)

Complementary materials: up to 100% w/v

Mode of Action:

A non-selective systemic herbicide, used to control perennial and annual herbs, including blackberries, turmeric, and galingale ... etc., as well as broad herbs


Advantage and properties:

Systemic herbicide rapidly absorbed and readily transmitted from treated foliage to the root system and growing parts of the plant.

Systemic herbicide, use as Post-emergence control of annual and perennial grasses in a wide range of broad-leaved crops.

Incompatible with bentazone, acifluorfen.

Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended.

may be fatal if swallowed oe entered airways, may cause genetic defects,

Is suspected of causing damage in fertility or the unborn child, causes skin irritation, may cause drowsiness or dizziness, Flammable, toxic to aquatic life .


Usage rate


 The crop

150-250 ml/ha

For controlling annual weeds


 Cultivated fields with cabbage, lettuce, potatoes and onions

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