+962 79 5433036

333 Cyperkill 100 EC – Cypermethrin

Cyperkill 100 EC – Emulsifiable Concentrate


Each ml contains: 

Cypermethrin 100 mg

PACKAGING: 1000 ml ± 2% / 500 ml / 250 ml / 5000 ml


Cyperkill 100 EC is indicate for treatment and control of ectoparasites like ticks, mites, midges, ­fleas, all types of ­flies, and lice in farm animals, horses, poultry and dogs. 

Cyperkill 100 EC is indicate for control of ­ies and insects in animal sheds and houses.

Withdrawal Time:

Meat: 3 days.

Milk: Nill


Store below 30°C. Protect from direct sunlight.


  • Cyperkill 100 EC is recommended to be applied as spray or dip according to the species in following dilutions:



    1.5ml per liter water

    Cattle, Bu aloes, Horses and Camels

    0.75ml per liter water

    Sheep and Goats.

    5ml per liter water

    Poultry (Red mites and midges)

    1ml per liter water


    5ml per liter water

    Animal sheds and houses


    Precautions, Warning etc.:

    - Keep out of reach of children and animals.

    - In case of accidental ingestion, seek medical help immediately.

    - Use proper protective clothing while using Cyperkill 100 EC .

    - Wash hands and any other exposed body areas thoroughly after handling the product.

    - Do not eat, drink or smoke while using Cyperkill 100 EC .

    - Always prepare the dip or spray on the days of treatment.

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