COMPOSITION: Each tablet contains:
Levamisole HCl 10 mg
Niclosamide 20 mg
+962 79 5433036
Tablets for Respiratory and Digestive Parasites Therapy
COMPOSITION: Each tablet contains:
Levamisole HCl 10 mg
Niclosamide 20 mg
Niclosol are effective tablets in treatment and controlling of eliminates worm eggs and worm larva in birds, parrot & pigeons and it is efficient against all roundworms and tapeworms.
Niclosol tablets has high effect to nematodes and other parasite, also against roundworms, gastro- intestinal rounded worms such as (ASCARIS, CAPILARIA), rumen flukes (Paramphistomum spp) and blood flukes (schistosoma spp) and aquatic snails that are vectors of human schistosomiasis (also known as bilharzia, bilharziosis or snail fever).
Pigeon: 1 tablet only by mouth then repeat the treatment after 15 days.
For Capilaria: 1 tablet per pigeon and repeat the treatment after 8 days.
Stop water and food of bird before giving the dose in 4 hours.
Don’t give grit, minerals and calcium products during treatment.
Store in a dry place away from humidity and direct heat (below 30 ℃).